Muscles tension, aches and pain are becoming more apparent to many of us, having spent the last 3 months not being able to move as used to. Do you also feel that your body is sluggish and tense?
Sedentary behavior has been proven in countless studies to be bad for the body.
Not moving enough can lead to several imbalances, from generalized stiffness to joints pain, digestive issues, decreased metabolism leading to some weight gain, low mood to name a few.
Today I’m going to focus on the impact that a sedentary lifestyle has on the lymphatic flow, which symptoms we might experience as a consequence of lymphatic stagnation and finally I will give you some self-help suggestion.
When the lymphatic system is congested, you know something is wrong within your body. You can feel that things are not the way they are supposed to be, the skin has lost its glow, you find it hard to concentrate, the abdomen feels bloated and there is an overall sense of stagnation, muscular tension and joints pain.
These are some of the symptoms of a sluggish lymphatic system, but there is much more to it.
What is the lymphatic system?
The lymphatic system is the network of various organs, tissues, and vessels that help rid the body of toxins, waste and other unwanted materials like bacteria, viruses, toxins and abnormal cells.
Without proper flow of lymph, your system becomes congested. The toxins have nowhere to go, and so they build up in your tissues, leading to muscles and joints pain, headache etc… and the potential for total system dysregulation (ex. infections, mood disorders, etc).
Without the proper removal of waste and toxins, your body cannot heal and continue its daily functions efficiently. All energy is directed to fighting the toxins, and no energy is left for your life. Finally fatigue ensues.
The lymphatic system also plays a role in:
ENDOCRINE BALANCE. If the lymphatic channels cannot remove toxins properly, no hormone, gene, enzyme, and no molecule is going to work optimally.
IMMUNE RESILIENCE. The lymph system plays a prominent role in immune function, as the lymphatic fluid also carries lymphocytes, dendritic cells, and immunoglobulins to fight off pathogens or regulate the body during infection.
ABSORPTION and transport of free fatty acids from the digestive system.
Lymph into the body moves when you move, therefore a sedentary lifestyle is not built for good flow of lymph.
Osteopathic treatment it is very effective at helping a stagnant lymphatic system and muscular tension. Patients will almost immediately experience a “clarity of mind” and a general sense of well-being, less stiffness and better joints mobility.
Following the treatment and after an in-depth discussion of past medical history and current health complains, I also discuss with patient self-help strategies, lifestyle and dietary advises to help enhance the effect of the treatment.
Here are 4 ways you can change your lymphatic journey today:
- Movement. Any exercise will work, whether it’s taking a walk, jumping on a trampoline, or just dancing around the house. Any movement moves the lymph, and any flow of lymph gets rid of toxins. GET UP and SHAKE your body.
- Deep breathing. The diaphragm has a lymphatic drainage system. Breathe in slowly and breathe out twice as slowly. (The most important part of this is exhaling). You should always exhale for twice as long as long as you inhale to activate the lymph and bring more oxygen into your blood.
- Use a dry bristle shower brush on your body. Start from the feet/ankles and work your way upward in long fluid strokes on limbs and circular motions on torso, abdomen and back. Move in the upward direction.
- The last minute or so of your shower make it hotter than usual. Then the last 30 seconds turn the water to tepid or cold. When you leave the shower you shouldn’t be cold, but refreshed.
If you’re feeling sluggish, tense and you know your body needs some help, do not hesitate to get in touch to schedule an appointment.
As I always say, when you feel good life become more enjoyable.
Feel free to tag friends who you know will benefit from osteopathic treatment.
Paola Pizzuto is a registered Osteopath in Edinburgh with a commitment and dedication to helping people achieve better health.
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