Pregnancy, labour and childbirth are extremely physically demanding activities. Although they are part of a natural process, they can place the mother’s body under great strains. These, in turn, can have a profound effect on the mum's body and contribute to the development of health issues such as pain, incontinence, depression...just to name few. How many women out there have been told that it’s normal to be unwell after pregnancy and childbirth? And how many of you have been told that your Continue Reading
Breastfeeding Part 2
THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE CRANIUM, FACIAL BONES AND ORAL CAVITY In a previous post I have explained the nutritional and immunological aspects of breastfeeding. There is another compelling benefit to breastfeeding: It is important for the correct development of the cranium, facial bones and oral cavity. First of all, let me explain you some basic concepts without which it would be difficult to understand. Sucking and swallowing become fully established around week 33 in the uterine Continue Reading
Breastfeeding Part 1
Conventional wisdom, supported by scientific research, advocates breastfeeding as the superior method of infant feeding. Unfortunately, in some case, breastfeeding can become a challenge for both child and mum. Events such as forceps or ventouse delivery, traumatic birth, intrauterine pressure etc. can create abnormal tension in the newborn body that can affect the ability of the child to properly latch on and or swallow. Osteopathic treatment can help to resolve abnormal and undue Continue Reading