Headache is one of the most common complaints I encounter in clinic.. If you suffer from headaches no one better than you know how debilitating they can be. Does your headache make you feel drained?Unable to concentrate?Irritable and feeling “toxic”?Does it deplete your energy? These are some of the most common comments that patients with headache mention in my clinic. Pharmacological medications can help people to manage the symptoms but are not always the solution to the cause of Continue Reading
How to make your toxins free sunscreen
As mentioned previously in my article, hormonal disrupting chemicals are on the rise and pervasive. Unfortunately, some of them are contained into toiletries. Hormonal disrupting chemicals are chemicals that interfere with the way the body’s hormones work. Some of them act like "hormone mimics" and trick our body into thinking that they are hormones, while other block natural hormones from doing their job. Other Hormones disrupting chemicals can increase or decrease the levels of Continue Reading