As mentioned previously in my article, hormonal disrupting chemicals are on the rise and pervasive. Unfortunately, some of them are contained into toiletries. Hormonal disrupting chemicals are chemicals that interfere with the way the body’s hormones work. Some of them act like "hormone mimics" and trick our body into thinking that they are hormones, while other block natural hormones from doing their job. Other Hormones disrupting chemicals can increase or decrease the levels of Continue Reading
Pre-menstrual symptoms and period pain. The benefits of Osteopathic treatment
If you have been suffering with menstrual pain and pre menstrual symptoms (PMS) and nothing seems to help, then you are like many of the women I have been helping over the years, to recover from symptoms of hormonal imbalance. Throughout my practising years as an osteopath I often notice that women having come for osteopathic treatment for various health reasons, often suffer from severe pre-menstrual symptoms headaches, mood swings, bloating, and other hormonal related problems that they Continue Reading
How to recover fast from pregnancy and childbirth. The importance of osteopathic treatment post-partum.
Pregnancy, labour and childbirth are extremely physically demanding activities. Although they are part of a natural process, they can place the mother’s body under great strains. These, in turn, can have a profound effect on the mum's body and contribute to the development of health issues such as pain, incontinence, depression...just to name few. How many women out there have been told that it’s normal to be unwell after pregnancy and childbirth? And how many of you have been told that your Continue Reading
Unsettled babies. The benefits of early osteopathic treatment.
One of the most common symptoms i see babies for is unsettled behaviour. It commonly manifests with crying and irritability, vomiting , sleep disturbance, colic, etc. Osteopathic treatment it is well known to help to reduce these symptoms, improve sleep and general contentment for the baby. It is common belief that babies should have no structural stresses and strains in their body because they’re so young and flexible. The reality is very different. Birth is one of the most important events Continue Reading