Lower back pain is probably one of the most common health complaints. Are you one of those people that seem to have a back that always ‘goes out’ on you for no apparent reason? Or, have you experienced lower back pain on and off for several years and, despite the repeated treatments, painkillers, or exercises it does not want to go away? Have you gone to all the stretching or core classes you could find, but none of these seem to really address the problem? I will never be tired of Continue Reading
Posture and health. Benefits of osteopathic treatment
Having a good posture is much more than just looking good! First of all, let me tell you that there is no perfect posture. The mechanics and physiology of the body are unique to each individual and are both in a constant state of change and adaptation. I believe that some of our postural habits are set during our childhood and are further shaped later on in life, by lifestyle, emotions, and traumatic events such as surgeries, falls, fractures, etc. How many times have you tried to correct Continue Reading
Breastfeeding Part 2
THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE CRANIUM, FACIAL BONES AND ORAL CAVITY In a previous post I have explained the nutritional and immunological aspects of breastfeeding. There is another compelling benefit to breastfeeding: It is important for the correct development of the cranium, facial bones and oral cavity. First of all, let me explain you some basic concepts without which it would be difficult to understand. Sucking and swallowing become fully established around week 33 in the uterine Continue Reading
Breastfeeding Part 1
Conventional wisdom, supported by scientific research, advocates breastfeeding as the superior method of infant feeding. Unfortunately, in some case, breastfeeding can become a challenge for both child and mum. Events such as forceps or ventouse delivery, traumatic birth, intrauterine pressure etc. can create abnormal tension in the newborn body that can affect the ability of the child to properly latch on and or swallow. Osteopathic treatment can help to resolve abnormal and undue Continue Reading
Our Second Brain
The saying “trust your gut instinct” is not just a metaphorical expression describing the connection between gut and brain. Just as your brain can send butterflies to your stomach, your gut can relay its state of calm or alarm to the brain. The intimate and bidirectional connection between the gut and the brain is a highly researched and studied subject. As Hippocrates stated already in 460 BC “All illnesses begin in the gut”. Well, current scientific research seams to validate this. This Continue Reading